Image Property Golf Day
Event Details
SAVE THE DATE - Friday, 29 September
A great day on the course with friends or colleagues thanks to our caring supporters Image Property.
Stay tuned for more exciting information
A great day on the course with friends or colleagues thanks to our caring supporters Image Property.
Stay tuned for more exciting information
We acknowledge people use different words to talk about autism, and each person will have a way of talking about themselves or people they care for that they like best. At AEIOU we use a combination of person-first and identify-first language. We do this based on the feedback of our parent community in a 2023 study. AEIOU is neurodiversity affirming and supports each child’s unique strengths, abilities and personal goals.
AEIOU was established in 2005 to provide best practice early intervention for children aged between 2 and 6 with an autism diagnosis. © 2025 AEIOU Foundation. Registered Charity CH1818.AEIOU Foundation acknowledges that our work in the community takes place on the traditional lands of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and respectfully recognise their ongoing custodianship. AEIOU is committed to reconciliation and is currently in the process of developing a Reconciliation Action Plan.
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